late diagnosed autism

The Before and After Moment

A journey that I never dreamed I’d be on. I am compelled to share my story, because hearing other people’s stories is what led me to discovering myself.

THAT morning in late summer 2023 seemed normal enough. In typical fashion, I had a bit of time to myself while I got ready for work in a quiet house.

I listen to educational material while I get ready for work in the mornings.

Since I had just finished an audiobook, I opted for YouTube that morning. Having recently started a side hustle, I planned on hitting one of my favorite channels about growing my business.

When I opened the YouTube app on my phone, there was a suggested video at the top of my feed that caught my eye. I don’t even know how it got there – to this day I see it as providential.

It was “10 Childhood Autistic Traits That Make Sense Now” by Mom on the Spectrum.

Curious, I clicked on it…. not knowing it was about to change my life.

Viewing THAT VIDEO became one of THOSE moments.

Those moments in life that create a ‘before’ and ‘after’ chasm.
…after I graduated.
…before I had my child.
…after I moved to the lake.
And so on.

Stunned, I watched Taylor outline a nearly perfect description of me as a child.

My heart racing, I went to her channel and found a video that sealed my fate. 16 Overlooked Autistic Traits in Women left me in a thunderstruck state that sent me on a rampage of binging YouTube videos about Autistic traits in women and adults in general.

It quickly became quite clear…. that I am Autistic.

What did this mean? I had so many answers, and so many questions, all at the same time. So many random pieces of my life had suddenly come together under one umbrella, and it had a name.

Autism. How had I lived 47 years of my life and not known this about myself?

I wasn’t sure what the journey would look like, but I knew, without a doubt, that it had begun and was going to be a wild ride.